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[fulltitle]Last Night We Were Awoke[/fulltitle]
A recreation of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s famed westward expedition. Each page unites a chart of the stars and planets exactly as they appeared to the explorers on a particular night with an excerpt from their writings. On the reverse side are watercolor paintings imagining what the explorers saw on their journey.
The title of the book comes from Clark’s description of the northern lights upon viewing them for the first time. November 6, 1804, ...light containing floating columns approach each other & retreat leaving the lighter space.
2003 • Edition of 200 • 10 x 10 inches • 16 pages
Letterpress printed • Accordion binding • Somerset paper • Japanese book cloth
[fulltitle]Last Night We Were Awoke[/fulltitle]
A recreation of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s famed westward expedition. Each page unites a chart of the stars and planets exactly as they appeared to the explorers on a particular night with an excerpt from their writings. On the reverse side are watercolor paintings imagining what the explorers saw on their journey.
The title of the book comes from Clark’s description of the northern lights upon viewing them for the first time. November 6, 1804, ...light containing floating columns approach each other & retreat leaving the lighter space.
2003 • Edition of 200 • 10 x 10 inches • 16 pages
Letterpress printed • Accordion binding • Somerset paper • Japanese book cloth